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World AIDS Day event: 01 Dec '17, Atlantis, WC

TB HIV Care in collaboration with PHASA and City of Cape Town: Recreation and Parks are hosting a World AIDS Day event in Protea Park, Atlantis on the 01 December 2017: 09:00 - 15:00. TB HIV Care will be celebrating 10 years of community service in Atlantis!

Activities: 5 aside soccer tournament between 4 local primary schools: Protea Park, Bezelia, Reygersdal and Karee (Grade 6 & 7).

Health Activities: HIV, STI and TB Screening. Blood pressure, glucose monitoring. Exercise with Dr Kraak - Sports Scientist - Stellenbosch University. Breast examinations and much, much more.

Radio Atlantis will be advertising event from November 2017 and an interview with Voice of the Cape regarding PHASA and World AIDS Day.....

Join us in making this event a huge success.

Let our actions count!

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